Report of public association (P.A.) “Second Breath” for older and disabled persons of Balti” concerning activities with children affected by HIV for year 2019
The public association “Second Breath for the Elderly and Disabled Persons in the Municipality of Balti” offers psychosocial services to people living with HIV/AIDS, in the Municipality of Balti and in 10 regions of northern Moldova, including families with socially vulnerable children, as well as 40 children diagnosed with HIV.
Throughout 2019, P.A. “Second Breath” in partnership with other non-profit organizations organized events for children affected by HIV infection and in particular:
- 4 January 2019: celebration of Christmas and presentation of gifts to 40 children from Balti;
- 1 September 2019: with the support of the Christian charity mission “Salvation Army” in the Republic of Moldova, 40 children affected by HIV infection in the municipality of Balti participated in the New Year’s celebration and received gifts; 15 children living with HIV received food packs;
- 24 April 2019: with the financial support of the diaspora – acquisition and distribution of food packages to 40 children infected with HIV in Balti and in the northern regions of Moldova, worth 450 euros;
- from 30 July to 4 August 2019 and from 6 August to 10 August 2019 – with the support of the public charitable association “PELERIN”, 20 children affected by HIV infection in Balti and northern regions of Moldova rested in the Hanaan children’s leisure camp in Şaptebani, Riscani.
In addition, in 2019, the Association “Second Breath” offered psychosocial support to develop adherence to ARV treatment for families with children who stopped treatment. 3 children resumed ARV treatment. Work with children affected by HIV will continue in 2020.